Ward Chapel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church stands as a testament to the rich history and cultural significance of Cairo's African American heritage, and has played a pivotal role in the struggle for Civil Rights in our city. Efforts made to rehabilitate this historic location acknowledge the invaluable contributions made by the African American community to the fabric of our society — locally, state-wide, and nationally.


Originally unveiled at the 2nd Annual Cairo Magnolia Celebration on May 6, 2023, this rendering depicts the future exterior plans for the church. It will start by restoring the existing masonry entry and bell tower of Ward Chapel, then adding a new addition to the back that includes a social justice museum and meeting space.

The gathering space and museum would be accessed by going up the stairs of the existing entry then down stairs to the grade level addition. Handicap accessibility is provided by a grade level entry on the northeast side. The addition floor would be located just above natural grade level.

The existing stained glass windows in the sanctuary space would be salvaged, restored, then installed in the addition, along with other historic items of interest.

The addition is shown with horizontal siding painted a color similar to the upper brick on the existing entry.


The cost to rehabilitate the building into a community space and museum will run about $2.5 million. We know it’s an ambitious project, but together we can do it.

Share this project with others who would be interested in seeing a reimagined Ward Chapel. And become a Cairo Preservation Hero by making a tax-deductible, designated donation of any amount today to help us turn this community dream into a reality!